If you asked him what wanted to be as a boy, he would answer ‘doctor.’ But after a few semesters at college, he couldn’t resist majoring in engineering. Join us in welcoming Jair Samuel as an electrical engineer. Jair is a proud graduate of Frostburg State University.
Before coming to Hartwell, he spent two summers working at the Washington Metro Area Transit Authority maintaining AC and DC power systems in metro substations and performing structural assessments.
Jair is eager to take on new electrical engineering projects. When he’s not working, he’s still thinking like an engineer designing and building aerodynamic cosmetics for cars. He’s built a following on YouTube and has customers eager to buy his designs.
In addition to working and designing aerodynamics for cars, he’s a member of the National Society of Black Engineers and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Welcome, Jair! We’re happy to have you on the McCrone | Hartwell team.